You should not simply have faith; you must use it.

Faith is a state of mind. For it to be useful to you in achieving lasting success, it must be an active not a passive, faith.

Whatever you mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.


The First Fear: Poverty
This is the most destructive of the seven basic fears, and the hardest to master because it brings so much suffering and misery. It can lead to:
-Lack of ambition
-Failure to make your own decisions
-Making excuses for your failures
-A negative mental attitude

Developing definiteness of purpose is the first step toward replacing a negative mental attitude with a positive one.

The Second Fear: Criticism
Fear of criticism can affect you in ways both trivial and serious. It can prevent you from presenting and acting on ideas that are revolutionary, ideas that would give you independence. It can lead to:
-Keeping up with Joneses
-Bragging about you achievements
-Being easily embarrassed

The Third Fear: Ill Health
This fear is closely related to a later, the fear of death, but it is much more dependent on habits for hits growth. It, too, can prevent you from taking risks, and its simple presence can actually bring about the very situation you so fear. It can lead to:
-The drugstore habit
-The bait of self-pity
-The bait of substance abuse

Remember: Your own mental attitude toward your health is the most important factor in your good health. Overcoming your fear if ill health can bring you wonderfully concrete results in so many ways.

The Fourth Fear: Loss of Love
The fear of the loss of love is so intimate and so easily understood that it isn't necessary to elaborate on it's symptoms. Simply cultivate your relationships with a positive mental attitude, give them your all, and instead of being a source of fear to you, they will be a bastion of strength and courage.

The Fifth Fear: Old Age
The fear of old age causes you to slow down and develop a feeling of inferiority. The best way to confront this fear is to jump on it with both feet and laugh about it.

The Sixth Fear: Loss of Liberty
No matter where you live, in any country, the fear of the loss of freedom is present. The only way to fight this year is to take an active role in defending the institutions that preserve your liberty.

The Seventh Fear: Death
This fear is the grandfather of all others. It is very difficult to whip because it is so universal in our society, and because it is constantly reinforced on a daily basis.

The truth is, fear of death can stop you in your tracks much sooner than the actual event.


Step One: Adopt a definite major purpose and begin to attain it. Know what you want and get busy creating it.

Step Two: Affirm the object of your desire through prayer, morning and night. Inspire you imagination to see yourself already in possession of it.

Step Three: Associate as many as possible of the ten basic human motives (self-preservation, love, fear, sex, desire for life after death, freedom for mind and body, anger, hate, desire for recognition, wealth) with your definite major purpose. Give yourself a compelling motive for doing what you want to do.

Step Four: Write out a list of all the advantages of your definite major purpose, and call them into your mind as often as you can.

Step Five: Associate with people who are in sympathy with you and your major purpose; get their encouragement.

Step Six: Don't let a day pass without making at least one definite move toward attaining your major purpose.

Step Seven: Chose a "pacesetter." Pick someone prosperous, self-reliant, and successful, and make up your mind not only to catch up with that person but to pass him or her by.

Step Eight: Surround yourself with books, pictures, mottoes and other suggestive devices.

As you build an atmosphere of support, keep a notebook handy to jot down things you hear and read that inspire you.

Step Nine: Never run away from disagreeable circumstances. Fight them, with all your resources, right where you stand and without a moment's notice.

Step Ten: Recognize that anything worth having has a definite price tag. Anything worth having is worth working for.

From Napoleon Hill's Keys To Success

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