Tweeter for Hoops! It's true. I have been twittering for several months but it has been great for me in getting motivation and information to our players. More importantly it has helped me as a coach by the information given to me by others.

If you follow our blog, you get even more from our Tweets. Often we will tweet a link to a motivational or instructional story so that you can get it instantly as opposed to blogging about it later.

I plan on Twittering from meetings...staff meetings...bus sessions...before the game. All in an effort to open our program to coaches and fans.

I've already talked about Coach Eric Musselman who sends out around 10 tweets a day that include motivational quotes, clinic notes, and newspaper articles on players and coaches that are great for reading or passing on to your team.

There are numerous of coaches that are twittering and you can follow what they are doing in terms of running their program. Many of them share their philosophy.

There are also non-coaches that I greatly enjoy following such as John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, Darren Hardy, Kevin Elko, Tony Robbins.

And there are various news agencies to keep you posted the very second news breaks.
I strongly recommend twittering. You don't have to tweet messages but it is a great source of information. There are many people who never type on twitter but follow people with their twitter account to get information.

As for me, I twitter a great deal. I'm hoping it is a great means for promoting our program as well as helping coaches and educating myself along the way. Every time I post a new blog I put it on twitter. Sometimes I pass on newspaper articles on twitter and I have a "Thought of the Day" each morning on twitter.

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I've mentioned them before but here are some great people to follow:

Coach Eric Musselman (worth twittering alone!)

Coach Goestenkors (Texas) - active twitterer

Coach Kevin Eastman (Boston Celtics) - great stuff on a daily basis

Coach Sue Semrau (Florida State) one of my favorite coaches!

Indiana's Tom Crean - really shares his program

Brian Williams of Coaching Toolbox

John Maxwell (my favorite author)

Leadership 501 -- great website, great tweets

Tony Robbins - motivational speaker

Darren Hardy - shares great thoughts

charm home : ,

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