Goodbye 2010

Hello 2011!!!

Well, 2011 is here, and I’m really excited about it.  2010 was a great year for me, but 2011 is without a doubt going to be life-changing.  I’ll be giving birth to my first child in about 5 months.  Being a mom is going to be a totally new experience for me, and I’m so ready to take it on.

from LEB

[image via LEB]

I’ve never been one to make many New Year’s resolutions.  I think it’s because I don’t like to admit that I probably won’t keep them for very long.  This year is no different.  I’m looking forward to all that 2011 will  bring, but I’m not making any kind of “resolutions.”  I do however have a long “to do” list that continues to get longer and longer.  One thing that is obviously at the top of my list is designing my new nursery.  I pretty much have it all figured out but it all comes down to whether we are having a boy or not.  The doctor told us about 6 weeks ago that there was an 80% chance we were having a boy.  We find out for sure later today if there is a little blue bundle of joy in our future.  If not, I’ve got some redesigning to do.  We are dying to know one way or the other and tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

from moth designs [image via moth design]

Second on my to do list is finishing up the rest of my home.  Last year began with me saying that my main goal was to finally get my home decorated.  I got off to a good start but then got a little sidetracked once I found out I was expecting.  I’m planning to finish all the decorating before June though. 


[image – d home]

I have many more items on my to do list but I won’t bore you all with any of the other ones.  I would love to hear some of your New Year’s resolutions and goals though. 


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