Stylish blogger award

I’m so excited because earlier this week Heather from Satisfying Spaces awarded me with the Stylish Blogger Award!  I’ve seen this little award floating around the blogosphere and was hoping that someone out there would pass it on to me.  So, a big thank you to Heather from me!!

Now for the fun part.  When you get awarded the Stylish Blogger Award you are required to share 7 things about yourself.  Some of these facts may be new to you and some you may have heard before.  Here it goes…

[I thought I would throw some pretty pics in so you wouldn’t get bored reading]

1.  I have the most amazing husband in the world, and I’m so fortunate that he “gets” blogging.  He’s actually the person who introduced me to blogs in the first place.  He had one before me.


{Love this office by the way}

2.  I’m pregnant with my first child.  William Chase Holcombe will be his name, and I can’t wait until he gets here in June.

mla103122_0907_beds_xl3.  I grew up on a farm in rural Alabama in a town called Slapout.  Yes, you did read that correctly.  I did say Slap Out.

md105545_1010_4_000989_livingroom_xl4.  One weird fact about me…I don’t like to eat the part of the sandwich that I hold.  So, most of the time there is always one tiny bite of a sandwich that I don’t eat.  Don’t ask me why I do this.  I couldn’t tell ya.

mla103670_0508_pinkkids_xl5.  I am ALWAYS cold.  It could be 90 degrees outside and I’ll probably still have chill bumps. 


6.  I’m extremely indecisive when it comes to designing my own home.  I don’t have a problem coming up with a design for someone else’s though.


7.  I don’t think a meal is complete without a piece of bread, but I could care less about dessert.

I’m passing the Stylish Blogger Award onto these 3 lovely blogs that I’ve been digging lately.  Check ‘em out!

Flip Flops & Pearls


All images – Martha Stewart Living

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